well... i no longer have a job. that is just weird.
but i have plenty to do:
iron manny's shirts.
reupholster the glider.
hang up the ABC wall.
finish letters C.T.&U.
windex all mirrors & frames.
clean bathroom.
make dinner {don't forget to plug in the crockpot.oops}.
make a mobile.
clean/organize desk.
get knobs for sideboard.
clean car- vacuum & put in baby car seat.
keep house clean.
other stuff. i can't remember.
mostly- get ready for life with a BABY.
i can't believe it's so close. seriously can't believe it.
he can come anytime really. i think i'm ready as i'll ever be.
but he's not allowed to come friday, saturday, sunday, or monday.
reason? lions vs. broncos. manny has tickets. my cousin is flying out from california. if i'm in the hospital he can't go... manny's been looking forward to this for like years. seriously.
and i would really prefer that my boy not be born on halloween.
ok thanks so come whenever you are ready... just not oct. 28th-31st. thanks. we love you.
yea. my thoughts today. baby- when are you coming? we can't wait to meet you.
an incredible blessing
as of Friday, October 21st I am unemployed. I had so say "see you later" {for a while} to the kid that made me laugh, made me want to pull my hair out, and taught me so much.
in preparation for the coming of my own little boy I had so say goodbye to the little boy I've taken care of for the past 2 years.
I met Jack & Indy when Indy was still pregnant. They were looking for a nanny come November when her maternity leave was up & I was looking for a job come November when volleyball ended. After a little misunderstanding as to what Starbucks we would be meeting at... We had a great interview and they ended up hiring me! I was so thrilled. I met Jackson about a week before my official start date & he was just about the cutest baby I'd ever seen.
Once I started I knew I had about the best "job" EVER.
He took great naps, rarely was fussy, and always helped me with my homework. We would take walks, watch HGTV & Sprout, play, eat, and sleep. Couldn't be a better job.
It's crazy to think about how small he was when I started & where is now.
He runs, he screams, he laughs, he is sneaky, mischievous, he thinks the "toys" in the kitchen drawers/cabinets are better than any toy in his toy box...
he's a dare devil- afraid of nothing, he doesn't say to much- but i almost always understand, he loves his dog...
he is stubborn and very strong, he laughs every time i hurt myself, he's got mad coloring skills, he knows what he wants, he loves to snack...
going "bye-bye" is the best, he's always up for a drive to the library, park, YMCA for a swim, wal-mart or king soopers...
he loves being outside, he loves cars, he gives the best hugs & kisses to me and the baby :)
in short, he's the best 2 year old I know. I seriously love this kid so much. I can't imagine what life is going to be like without seeing him nearly everyday. It was so hard saying goodbye. Even though I know I'll see him again... seriously how could you not love this face?!?
in preparation for the coming of my own little boy I had so say goodbye to the little boy I've taken care of for the past 2 years.
I met Jack & Indy when Indy was still pregnant. They were looking for a nanny come November when her maternity leave was up & I was looking for a job come November when volleyball ended. After a little misunderstanding as to what Starbucks we would be meeting at... We had a great interview and they ended up hiring me! I was so thrilled. I met Jackson about a week before my official start date & he was just about the cutest baby I'd ever seen.
Once I started I knew I had about the best "job" EVER.
He took great naps, rarely was fussy, and always helped me with my homework. We would take walks, watch HGTV & Sprout, play, eat, and sleep. Couldn't be a better job.
It's crazy to think about how small he was when I started & where is now.
He runs, he screams, he laughs, he is sneaky, mischievous, he thinks the "toys" in the kitchen drawers/cabinets are better than any toy in his toy box...
This "job" has been an incredible blessing. This family has been an incredible blessing. I am forever grateful for the time I spent with Jackson- all the love & tears & lessons. I will be a better mom because of him.
What an incredible blessing.
What an incredible blessing.
38 weeks!
I can hardly believe I am this close to having a child!
And that a whole baby, ready to be born, is just hanging out inside my belly.
It's a little insane if you think about it...
It is also pretty crazy if you think about amazing this whole process has been...
From the first symptoms to feeling him move, seeing it was a him, and now the crazy movement and the whole body preparing for birth thing. And that's leaving out so much!
God. Wow. Praise to You.
I would have to say in the last few weeks the biggest change has been just how my body feels. It is so strange. I am constantly "sore," like hard workout, too difficult to move, sore. Flipping over in bed is way too hard. Butt {sciatic nerve} pain, leg cramps, heavy belly. man, not fun. for me or Manny. he's being a great sport...
I am most excited to get his room all organized and ready. It may not be completely done, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to notice for a while... But eventually it will be done & perfect. I'm just ready to get a little organized. Hopeful that day will come this Thursday :)
I got my diaper bag yesterday. yahoo. seriously love it. it will be perfect {I think- I mean I've never done this before.... haha}
We've got all the plans figured out for what will happen when I go into labor... Depending on *this* we'll do *this* and call *them* etc. etc. etc. So many unknowns. But that's ok. God's timing will be perfect. I'm tired of guessing though. It will all happen when he's good & ready :)
I've been going to the doctor once a week now. I'm measuring right where I should be & not really dilated. Everything looks good. Next appointment is tomorrow.
Trying not to be nervous about the birth. It's going to happen. I have no idea what will happen. And I just keep trying to remember the advice of a good friend {who's baby is due any day now} that this is suppose to be a joyous time. God created it. God will be there. I've got nothing to worry about.
I seriously can't wait to meet this kid. What day will be his BIRTHday? What will he look like? Will he have hair? What color?
O goodness.
We are so stinking excited.
{back} Tuesday Thoughts
Well it might be a miracle... but I fixed my broken blog!!! I don't really know what happened or how I fixed it but I did. I am proud :) something about some other site that got hacked and it jacked up mine... but all better now.
back to blogging.Last night Manny and I went to the Mona Lisa Fondue Restaurant on a nice date! Thank you to the people I work for the gift certificate they couldn't use! We certainly enjoyed all the great food & the fact that the whole dinner process is just slow when you do fondue and we had plenty of time to talk and enjoy each other. The only picture I got of both of us. Manny looks a little drugged... He's not. promise.
In other news... this is my last week of work. CrAzY. more on that tomorrow.
I'm 38 weeks. AH.
Manny got all the furniture painted last weekend & it looks so great! I wish I would have taken before & after pictures. bummer. but if we can get the furniture back to our house {it's at my parents where we painted} I hope to get his room mostly done -meaning organized and put back together- by Thursday. that will be seriously exciting. I still need to do the mobile, finish about 10 letters for the abc wall, and put up any art work I have but that will all come in time...
Last Friday my mom & I went to ikea. that was a fun adventure :) mostly I just loved spending time with my mom! we got looks of fun stuff. great prices. but still spent a lot. ha.
For the first time ever I'm having my wedding ring "serviced." I can't wait to get it back all shiny & pretty!
We've been in our place for a little over a month. So far, so good. There is certainly less storage than we've ever had before & that is pretty challenging considering we're storing stuff for us & a whole new life now... We got a portable dishwasher, that shall be nice. I don't really enjoy hauling laundry everywhere, but it's not that awful {...for now, we'll see how I feel about that post-baby...}
It's getting cold now. All that means right now is baby is coming soon... And I have nothing to wear. Ha. Hopefully I'll fit into some of my clothes once this baby is out of my belly...
Ok. Can't think of much else. Jackson & I are going swimming today. yahoo!
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