So if this is any indication, every time I go to think or write about your 5 month post I think or write 3 months. every.single.time. I think that means you are growing up way too fast my boy!
Asher, at 5 months old:
You learned how to roll over & how to sit up {mostly unsupported}.
You started grabbing at everything & wanting to actually hold/ play with toys.
You enjoy lots of time in your exersaucer & in the bumbo watching your brother play.
You are awake a little bit more than before, but still nap like a champ and our schedule is pretty much the same.
You keep on growing!
17lbs, size 3 diapers, and {growing out of} 9 month clothes.
You met some pretty cool family members this month:
{all great-} Grandpa Huntley, Uncle Dick & Tante Colleen, Tante Gretta & Uncle John

You still have some sort of cough/cold/yuck thing...
It's made for some extra cuddly days & waking up earlier than I would like but with no fever or anything else the doctor isn't concerned. So I'm trying to cut out dairy and rule out any allergy... we shall see.
You are just CUTE!
.those cheeks just kill me.
Asher, you are truly a blessing to everyone! Those cheeks and that smile are just enough to kill someone with cuteness. You are my lover boy. Cuddles, kisses, being close. You are all too wonderful at just LOVING! Go right ahead and keep that up Asher man.
my joy boy,
we love you more and more every day!
love, your momma