Kennedy Girl,
4 Month Stats:
Height: 16.5in - 100%
Weight: 16lbs 9oz - 90%
Head Circ:
This month, we traveled over the mountains and through the woods to see Gram with Joshua, Asher, Kma, and Auntie Karla. You also got to meet your Great-Grandma Joan & Great-Grandpa Jim and TONS of other family :) You were a great traveler in the car {for the most part} and did really well sleeping in the hotel{S}. We had a quite the adventure! But it was a really great weekend.
Other fun stuff this month:
- you love sticking out your tongue
- you think Asher is the best
- you've rolled over - back to tummy - one time
- your hair is coming in real fuzzy and I still can't decide on the color
- size 2 diapers are almost too small
- I just switched all your clothes over to 6months
- you like to fall asleep with a blankie or that little bunny by your face
- you are most ticklish under your chin
- you went swimming for the firs time - for a total of about 4 minutes
- we also celebrated Fourth of July - Waffles & Parade this month!
Kennedy girl,
We are just so very thankful for your sweet cuddles, wonderfully chubby rolls, little giggles, big grins. You are just a joy. You do not have a problem letting me know when you are mad and that is just fine. I can't wait to learn more about you - your likes, dislikes, passions, and interests. I can't wait to hear what you have to say TO your brothers and ABOUT your brothers.
You are growing and I love that and I hate that. One day I won't pick you up and hold you the way I do now, I will miss that. One day I won't make you grin the way I do now, I will miss that. One day everything will look so different, I look forward to that, but I will also miss this.
we love you more and more everyday!
love, your momma