this is my 100th post.
that's a lot of kim-thoughts.
i'm glad this blog helps me remember life & get some of my inspiration out.
it is fun at times.
other times it is overwhelming.
i think i'll keep it up...
always thankful
today i'm in funk. nothing is wrong. nothing is quite right.
"by joyful always. pray continually. give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 thes. 5:16-18
giving thanks in all circumstances.
thank You for...
-a little boy who's will is strong
-the sunshine
-small escapes
-things to look forward to
-Your Word
-a good lunch
-clean water
-ice on a warm day
-my sunglasses
-clean up. clean up. everyone is cleaning up.
-a paycheck
-hope for the future
-how my husband makes me laugh
-completed to do lists
-accomplished goals
-good dog memories
-end of the work week
-restful sleep
-this baby in my belly
-feeling his kick, saying "Mom, snap out of it! You'll be fine"
-coming weekend celebrations with friends
-the gift of giving
-love. undeserved.
"by joyful always. pray continually. give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 thes. 5:16-18
giving thanks in all circumstances.
thank You for...
-a little boy who's will is strong
-the sunshine
-small escapes
-things to look forward to
-Your Word
-a good lunch
-clean water
-ice on a warm day
-my sunglasses
-clean up. clean up. everyone is cleaning up.
-a paycheck
-hope for the future
-how my husband makes me laugh
-completed to do lists
-accomplished goals
-good dog memories
-end of the work week
-restful sleep
-this baby in my belly
-feeling his kick, saying "Mom, snap out of it! You'll be fine"
-coming weekend celebrations with friends
-the gift of giving
-love. undeserved.
Tuesday Thoughts
this morning my best-east-coast friend texted me: you weren't affected by last nights earthquake were you?? umm... I didn't even know there was an earthquake. I tried looking around to see if anything had fallen off the walls- there wasn't anything. and she later informed me it was 150 miles south of denver. the news hasn't really even said anything.
this week I did 2 things from my pinterest boards! yahoo. I wrapped the letter W in green yarn for the baby's abc wall. it's very cute. and then last night I made a very yummy and easy chicken broccoli casserole. but then I forgot to make the rice. oops.
Tupperware business is going... the road hasn't been easy but I'm finding balance both with my time and in my head {it's so easy for me to let it become all-consuming}. Goal is to book 2 parties by the end of this week. I'm very close to dating one. Only one more to go. I'll also be submitting my first party this week. yahoo.
Jackson and I are going to the library and swimming today. can't wait.
I'm 30 weeks. seriously 30 weeks. only 10 more to go. I'm scared.nervous.excited. I have to pee often. heartburn is no fun. neither are these terrible leg cramps. but I love this belly of mine. more importantly I love this baby of mine. and I can't wait to meet him. ok I really can wait. I'll just be really excited when I do.
tomorrow AlethiaYouth is having a Taco Fiesta!
I find it rather amusing that I have "business expenses." ha. I guess I really am starting my own business or something... O what's that? You want to host a Tupperware party? GREAT. email me.
Have been listening to a lot of Shawn McDonald. he's my favorite.
Manny turns 25 in 16 days. crazy. we're getting old. kind of...
Ok time to get ready for the library/pool time. see ya.
this week I did 2 things from my pinterest boards! yahoo. I wrapped the letter W in green yarn for the baby's abc wall. it's very cute. and then last night I made a very yummy and easy chicken broccoli casserole. but then I forgot to make the rice. oops.
Tupperware business is going... the road hasn't been easy but I'm finding balance both with my time and in my head {it's so easy for me to let it become all-consuming}. Goal is to book 2 parties by the end of this week. I'm very close to dating one. Only one more to go. I'll also be submitting my first party this week. yahoo.
Jackson and I are going to the library and swimming today. can't wait.
I'm 30 weeks. seriously 30 weeks. only 10 more to go. I'm scared.nervous.excited. I have to pee often. heartburn is no fun. neither are these terrible leg cramps. but I love this belly of mine. more importantly I love this baby of mine. and I can't wait to meet him. ok I really can wait. I'll just be really excited when I do.
tomorrow AlethiaYouth is having a Taco Fiesta!
I find it rather amusing that I have "business expenses." ha. I guess I really am starting my own business or something... O what's that? You want to host a Tupperware party? GREAT. email me.
Have been listening to a lot of Shawn McDonald. he's my favorite.
Manny turns 25 in 16 days. crazy. we're getting old. kind of...
Ok time to get ready for the library/pool time. see ya.
Book Review: spiritual parenting
As I mentioned earlier, I was given this book by a pastor at our church who just happened to have a few extra copies. Never having read it himself he handed it to me and said "good luck. let me know what you think." well here are my thoughts...
Now, never having read another book on parenting or Christian parenting, in particular, this review may not be the best. but whatever. I honestly really appreciated the book. The author, Michelle Anthony, outlines ten "environments" that she believes should be implemented in the home. She states, "We're creating environments so that we open our homes and our children's lives to the Holy Spirit, so He can do His work in them" (pg. 41).
The ten environments include: storytelling, identity, faith community, service, out of the comfort zone, responsibility, course correction, love and respect, knowing, and modeling.
What I appreciated from this book is the intentionality it set to the act of parenting. I think so often parents just coast through their kids lives making sure they are pretty polite, kind of well-behaved, and make decent decisions. But God calls us to so much more!
I also appreciated how each environment was Biblically based. Each chapter offered so much Truth. In particular, course correction offered Biblical Discipline based on Hebrews 12:11-13. Discipline is not about punishment. God does tell us that yes, it is not pleasant, but in fact painful. But in the end it leads to healing. "The end goal for us as parents is to conduct God's discipline in our children's lives in such a way that they experience healing from their sin" (pg. 155).
The parenting discussed in this book is not of this world. It is truly of the Lord. It is about parents who walk by faith, and thank God for entrusting His treasures to them. It is about seeing what matters most to Him. It is about creating a home that will reflect the truth of the Lord.
In the end, how I how I parent will not be based on a book or some author's opinion. It will be based on the Bible and the calling Manny and I have from the Lord. However, I did appreciate the truths this book pointed out and the useful advice and strategies on how to implement parenting based on the calling of the Holy Spirit. I pray that God will continue to reveal His plan for my life as mom and that one day our home will be evidence of His work in our lives.
Starting this Business...
insert shameless advertising...

I've received my kit. I've had my Grand Opening. I've done my first sales. I've gotten all the training. I've read tons of information. I've heard all the opportunities.
And now it's time to date some Tupperware parties!
Are you interested in earning tons of FREE Tupperware?
Parties booked in September will earn you DOUBLE host benefits! And as one my first hosts you will receive a special Tupperware bonus!
Are you interested in a fun night with friends?
Hosting a party requires very little work from you! I will mail out reminder invitations, do a product demo, and create a delicious recipe for you and your guests.
Are you interested in helping me start my business?
This would be the best way!!! And I'd be forever grateful!
Please email me at kimpollard{@} or visit my website to contact me about hosting a party, getting tons of free Tupperware, and having a lot of fun!
I'm truly so excited to be starting this business!
And would love to have that start include you!
And now it's time to date some Tupperware parties!
Are you interested in earning tons of FREE Tupperware?
Parties booked in September will earn you DOUBLE host benefits! And as one my first hosts you will receive a special Tupperware bonus!
Are you interested in a fun night with friends?
Hosting a party requires very little work from you! I will mail out reminder invitations, do a product demo, and create a delicious recipe for you and your guests.
Are you interested in helping me start my business?
This would be the best way!!! And I'd be forever grateful!
Please email me at kimpollard{@} or visit my website to contact me about hosting a party, getting tons of free Tupperware, and having a lot of fun!
I'm truly so excited to be starting this business!
And would love to have that start include you!
Tuesday Thoughts
I don't want to be a complainer. but sometimes there are just somethings that suck.
a. I dropped my computer. the hard drive is most likely jacked.
1. thankful that I had backed up all my documents and pictures just the day before.
2. thankful I have another computer to use {even if it is a 10 year old mac that can barely run the internet without shutting down.}
3. thankful for a friend who will look at it. and maybe fix it.
b. there are 29375987345 million flies. they are everywhere. outside. inside. everywhere. i've killed at least 10 this morning alone.
4. thankful for the fly swatters. which are somehow unbelievably good at hitting them. even if I have terrible aim.
5. thankful that Jackson can make me laugh as he pretends to get the flies too.
c. today is my Tupperware Grand Opening. I'm pretty darn stressed out over the whole thing.
6. thankful for 2 grandparents who support me and ordered something
7. thankful that by 9pm tonight it will all be over.
8. thankful that even if there are no people there & it's awkward and I make no money there will at least be some good desserts- ginger snaps, cheesecake bites, and german chocolate cake.
9. thankful that this is just the beginning and what I do from here is up to me.
d. by 8am this morning Jackson had already had the worst blowout/ leak through of his life.
10. thankful for a clean diaper & plenty of wipes.
11. thankful Indy will be home by Wednesday and all will be back to normal.
12. thankful for the washing machine. and plenty of hand soap for myself.
e. I wish we had an answer.
13. thankful God is in control. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
f. today is pretty much the last day of summer {Manny starts work tomorrow at the school}
14. thankful that I don't have to go back to school right now!
15. thankful the sun is still shining & keeping us warm
16. thankful I know this because Jackson has had on his sunglasses and sandals since 7:30am.
g. because my computer is broken, I can't upload any pictures from our great trip.
17. thankful that I even have a camera to take pictures with
18. thankful that I had a trip to go on
19. super thankful for the time away with my husband
20. even more thankful for my husband. seriously.
even if there is suck. there is so much more thankful.
Nursery Decorate, part 4
furniture is expensive. but i've got an idea & i'm going with it.
my plan: find a dresser on craigslist or at a garage sale for less than $40.
{exactly like this one: craigslist- $40}

and then use it! dresser. changing table. wonderful.
and the awesome abc art wall will go right above it. yea.
soonish I will show how I actually did this!
Tuesday Thoughts
+well, just did my first real work as a Tupperware consultant! spent an hour calling everyone about my Grand Opening or letting them know that I was doing this. it was good. stretched me a little more than I thought it would. but I'm excited :)
+still reading spiritual parenting. it's good. I feel like I'm learning quite a bit. and I came up with the next idea for AlethiaYouth's service project! super excited about that.
+have a long to do list for this very short week. but can't wait to cross everything off and get on that plane- just me and my husband {and our baby in my belly} alone in a cool, new city ready to explore, relax, and enjoy each other!
+so thankful for friends. and that they like sharing dinner with us ;)
+have a doctor's appointment today. getting my glucose test. so have to drink that orange drink they gave me in about 10 minutes. everyone is saying it will be super gross. we shall see.
+I had to walk out of the post office today with jackson {before I mailed my packages} because he was throwing the biggest tantrum ever & wouldn't stop screaming. seriously. I did not enjoy that at all.
+but then we went to the Y to swim. it was very fun. he's like the cutest, happiest fish I've ever seen!
+it's amazing to me how quickly calendars fill up. seriously amazing. should it be different? I really don't know....
+ok. that's all. i'll be breaking from blogging until next week. anniversary/babymoon vacation- here we come!
+still reading spiritual parenting. it's good. I feel like I'm learning quite a bit. and I came up with the next idea for AlethiaYouth's service project! super excited about that.
+have a long to do list for this very short week. but can't wait to cross everything off and get on that plane- just me and my husband {and our baby in my belly} alone in a cool, new city ready to explore, relax, and enjoy each other!
+so thankful for friends. and that they like sharing dinner with us ;)
+have a doctor's appointment today. getting my glucose test. so have to drink that orange drink they gave me in about 10 minutes. everyone is saying it will be super gross. we shall see.
+I had to walk out of the post office today with jackson {before I mailed my packages} because he was throwing the biggest tantrum ever & wouldn't stop screaming. seriously. I did not enjoy that at all.
+but then we went to the Y to swim. it was very fun. he's like the cutest, happiest fish I've ever seen!
+it's amazing to me how quickly calendars fill up. seriously amazing. should it be different? I really don't know....
+ok. that's all. i'll be breaking from blogging until next week. anniversary/babymoon vacation- here we come!
28 Weeks
wow. 28 weeks. start of my third trimester.
seems pretty unreal!
as you can tell from the pictures above I'm looking quite pregnant {the dog really wanted to be a part of picture session}
feeling quite pregnant as well.
I love love love feeling this baby kick me as much as he does.
it's all over- high, close to my ribs, real low and deep, or sometimes right on the side and you can see it by just looking at my belly.
my belly button still hasn't popped out.
i'm feeling it in my back much more ~ so thankful for a husband willing to give me a back massage nearly every night!
still getting heartburn, but not as often. it's worse if we eat out.
can't believe how swollen my ankles & feet are getting already! i feel like this will only get worse...
definitley easily tired. seriously, can't stay up past 11pm.
sleeping is different every night. sometimes ok, sometimes pretty awful. suprisingly I slept great when we went camping! yahoo.
clothing options are getting fewer and fewer...
super excited about our anniversary/babymoon trip this weekend!
feeling slightly less overwhelmed with the idea of raising a child. learning what it means to be an abiding mom. so thankful for great, Godly women lifting me up & giving me the advice, encouragement, support I'm needing...
can't wait to meet this little man!
seriously, what color will his hair be?!?!
we love you, little guy. we love you o so much!
the start of something new

Well, yesterday I started something new...
I became a Tupperware consultant.
I don't really know what it means yet, but I am excited for the opportunity to sell a great product, be involved in a wonderful team, and hopefully make a financial contribution to my ever-growing family.
My commitment is to do what is good for me & my family. So I really have no clue what that will be... But I'm excited. Maybe it means a few parties a month, maybe it means one. Either way I know God placed this opportunity in my life at what seems to be the perfect time & I'm ready to see how it all will work out.
If you would like to hear about this "something new" just ask!
I even have a website-
I will have a Grand Opening on Aug. 16th & we'll see what happens from there!
I'm super excited!
As I continue on in this journey towards motherhood, I have easily become overwhelmed with the idea of raising this boy to become a Christ-follower, a strong leader, a man of God. Currently, I am reading Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony. Adam, a pastor at our church, packaged the books & had a few extra copies and handed one to me. The books talks mostly about creating "environments" for being a spiritual parent. One of those environments is identity.
In the past few months I have often looked back on my own childhood and my own parents. What did they do that allowed me to be who I am? How did they raise me so that I knew right from wrong, hard work, and the importance of having Christ as number one in my life? These questions often go unanswered in my mind... But as I read this chapter, I had an "AHA" moment.
Anthony talks about the importance of creating an identity with God that is founded in Christ. Based of Ephesians 1, she wrote a statement of identity for each of her children:
"My name is _________. I am the chosen and adopted daughter of the Most High King. I'm the heir to an eternal inheritance waiting for me in heaven. I have been bought and completely paid for by the perfect sacrifice of Christ's own blood and am sealed throughout all eternity by God's Holy Spirit."
What truth that statement speaks!
For as long as I can remember my parents said "Remember who you are" every time my sisters or brother or I walked out the door, left the car, or walked away. Most of the time I would roll my eyes and walk off, but as I look back I can see the true gravity of the statement. Even if I did roll my eyes, I would know who I was. I was/am a hard-worker, a Christ-follower, a forgiven sinner, a daughter of the King, etc.
And they continued to instill those values in me even when I "forgot who I was." Each time I messed up, disobeyed, or failed they reminded me "Yes, this time you did not choose choose, but this does not define you. This not who are. This is something you did, but is not who you are. You're still the same person. You still belong to God- you are in Christ. And that can't be taken away. We love you."
And isn't that what this whole thing is really about? It's about forgiveness. About Christ's unfailing love. About freedom in who I am, just as God created me. It's about my identity in Him.
Figuring out how to instill this identity in my son will be something Manny and I will continually work out. But I can see how my parents worked to teach me my value in Christ alone, even when I forgot. I am so thankful for this moment. For the years my parents told me to "Remember who I was." And even more grateful for the years they spent teaching me truth about my identity. I pray Manny and I will teach and instill the truths of God's word into our son's life daily and someday he will always remember who he is.
In the past few months I have often looked back on my own childhood and my own parents. What did they do that allowed me to be who I am? How did they raise me so that I knew right from wrong, hard work, and the importance of having Christ as number one in my life? These questions often go unanswered in my mind... But as I read this chapter, I had an "AHA" moment.
Anthony talks about the importance of creating an identity with God that is founded in Christ. Based of Ephesians 1, she wrote a statement of identity for each of her children:
"My name is _________. I am the chosen and adopted daughter of the Most High King. I'm the heir to an eternal inheritance waiting for me in heaven. I have been bought and completely paid for by the perfect sacrifice of Christ's own blood and am sealed throughout all eternity by God's Holy Spirit."
What truth that statement speaks!
For as long as I can remember my parents said "Remember who you are" every time my sisters or brother or I walked out the door, left the car, or walked away. Most of the time I would roll my eyes and walk off, but as I look back I can see the true gravity of the statement. Even if I did roll my eyes, I would know who I was. I was/am a hard-worker, a Christ-follower, a forgiven sinner, a daughter of the King, etc.
And they continued to instill those values in me even when I "forgot who I was." Each time I messed up, disobeyed, or failed they reminded me "Yes, this time you did not choose choose, but this does not define you. This not who are. This is something you did, but is not who you are. You're still the same person. You still belong to God- you are in Christ. And that can't be taken away. We love you."
And isn't that what this whole thing is really about? It's about forgiveness. About Christ's unfailing love. About freedom in who I am, just as God created me. It's about my identity in Him.
Figuring out how to instill this identity in my son will be something Manny and I will continually work out. But I can see how my parents worked to teach me my value in Christ alone, even when I forgot. I am so thankful for this moment. For the years my parents told me to "Remember who I was." And even more grateful for the years they spent teaching me truth about my identity. I pray Manny and I will teach and instill the truths of God's word into our son's life daily and someday he will always remember who he is.
Tuesday Thoughts
1. i'm feeling very tired today... a nap will most certainly {hopefully} be in my future.
2. it going to rain.
3. yesterday the baby kicked and kicked and kicked. i think he wore himself out. today he's been much less active.
4. we are going rafting with our youth kids this weekend. and "we" i mean, manny and kids and other leaders are going rafting while i read a book. that's ok.
5. i just bought a super cute print for the baby room off etsy. check out this great shop.
6. jackson has just stopped using his spoon to eat applesauce. instead is using it to eat ketchup.
7. bought a new brand of mac n' cheese. very good. yum.
8. i think the Lord has provided some great opportunities for me once this baby comes. i plan on confirming them later today... or maybe tomorrow...
9. jackson might be the only 2 year old in the world that puts mac n' cheese in his mouth & then spits it out. seriously. who is this kid?
10. less than 3 months till i meet my baby. ah!
11. still trying to work on a good nickname...
12. lunch with a 2 year old who doesn't talk is quite peaceful...
13. only thirteen weeks left in this pregnancy. {i'll think we'll stop here. 13 thoughts for 13 weeks}
2. it going to rain.
3. yesterday the baby kicked and kicked and kicked. i think he wore himself out. today he's been much less active.
4. we are going rafting with our youth kids this weekend. and "we" i mean, manny and kids and other leaders are going rafting while i read a book. that's ok.
5. i just bought a super cute print for the baby room off etsy. check out this great shop.
6. jackson has just stopped using his spoon to eat applesauce. instead is using it to eat ketchup.
7. bought a new brand of mac n' cheese. very good. yum.
8. i think the Lord has provided some great opportunities for me once this baby comes. i plan on confirming them later today... or maybe tomorrow...
9. jackson might be the only 2 year old in the world that puts mac n' cheese in his mouth & then spits it out. seriously. who is this kid?
10. less than 3 months till i meet my baby. ah!
11. still trying to work on a good nickname...
12. lunch with a 2 year old who doesn't talk is quite peaceful...
13. only thirteen weeks left in this pregnancy. {i'll think we'll stop here. 13 thoughts for 13 weeks}
Nursery Decorate, part 3
the crib.
i'm assuming this is going to be a very important part of this nursery.
i found this cute & reasonable crib at
i think it will be great.
the bedding.
my main inspiration for the color story of the room.
love the plaid. love the turtle fitted crib sheet.
loving orange, blue, and green.
so we'll splurge on the bumper from Pottery Barn Kids & get the great turtle fitted sheet.
i plan on making the crib skirt. using a tutorial, something like this. maybe navy with white trim? don't really know about that one yet.
{and no quilt for this crib.}

yea. so excited for these colors & this bumper.
i'm assuming this is going to be a very important part of this nursery.
i found this cute & reasonable crib at
i think it will be great.

the bedding.
my main inspiration for the color story of the room.
love the plaid. love the turtle fitted crib sheet.
loving orange, blue, and green.

so we'll splurge on the bumper from Pottery Barn Kids & get the great turtle fitted sheet.
i plan on making the crib skirt. using a tutorial, something like this. maybe navy with white trim? don't really know about that one yet.
{and no quilt for this crib.}

a view of the whole room.
yea. so excited for these colors & this bumper.
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