all this snow...

farm boots in the snow {the only ones i could find in my size}

in the past 10 days we've gotten 3 pretty decent snow storms. 
most of the time, i'm not a very big fan of the snow. 
the main reason- i hate being cold. 
but i don't know if it is because of my job- that relies on moisture for the grass to grow in the summer and snow in the winter for plowing or my cozy little house... 

the view from my backyard & part of our little green house

but i'm warming up to all this snow. 

i can chose to look at the snow as a trap... 
keeping me trapped in my house with a crazy {recently sick} little boy
with nothing to do besides sweep & mop & eat. 

or i can chose to see it as a blessing... 
soaking up the nights when youth group gets canceled & we get an extra night together, 
staying warm with homemade soup, 
playing cars & building towers & reading books, 
enjoying the warmth of our cozy little home with our little family.

it's easy to chose trap.
i want to chose blessing.

***speaking of soup- here's a CrockPot Baked Potato Soup Recipe that we LOVED! 
Check it out here! We added lots of bacon too :)

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