Asher man,
It's hard to believe in 3 short months you will be 1 year old.
I have held you in my arms just as many days as I held you in my belly!
You, my son, are just wonderful. You are cuddly and sweet, o-so chubby, and just plain happy most of the time. You only get fussy right before bed. You sleep & nap like a champion. Your chubby cheeks and double chin are loved by all. On your 9 month Age & Stages Questionnaire (from the doctor) you scored worst in Communication (you're pretty quiet most of the time) and best in Problem-Solving. I'm really looking forward to seeing how that plays out as you get older...
You started crawling this month! It has pretty much turned my world upside down. You are on the move & independent. First chance you get, you head straight to the bathroom and Joshua's froggy potty. You pull down books off the bookshelf and love trying to figure out everything in the bottom of the panty.
You can pull up now, onto your knees. You got your first tooth (bottom, middle right)! You LOVE taking baths. You still hate food. It's pretty much a major stressor, but I'm trying to rest in the fact that you will EVENTUALLY want to eat something besides sweet potatoes and cheerios.
This month you went on the Alethia Youth Winter Retreat. You were such a perfect baby & were fawned over by millions of middle school girls ;)
9 month stats:
Clothing Size - 18 months
Diaper Size - 4
Height - 31 inches - 100percentile
Weight - 22.5 lbs - 88percentile
Head Circumference - 18.5 inches - 93percentile
Asher, you are straight up blessing to everyone in this house, everyone you share a cuddle with, or flash that great grin to. I'm praying you continue to share your joy and love with everyone around you. I pray you use that stubborn streak to be stubborn for the righteousness of Chris. I pray you start eating more solid food soon. I pray you always want to cuddle with your mom & that your brother always makes you laugh.
we love you more and more everyday!
love your momma & daddy
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