
time to blog is limited... here's a little snapshot into life around here lately in the form of "currently" 


{i don't know why but i love this picture}
{my little peanut}

Loving: the lyrics to this song. it pretty much perfectly describes my heart right now. my cry. my praise. to Him. 

I need you to soften my heart
To break me apart
I need you to open my eyes
To see that You’re shaping my life

All I am, I surrender
Give me faith to trust what you say
That you’re good and your love is great
I’m broken inside, I give you my life
I need you to soften my heart
To break me apart
I need you pierce through the dark
And cleanse every part of me
I may be weak
But your Spirit’s strong in me
My flesh may fail
My God you never will

Thinking About: how i really need to vacuum tomorrow. joshua pretty crawls everywhere. gets into everything. today i picked him up after he had followed me into the kitchen and his shirt was covered crumbs. YUCK. bad mom of the year over here.  

Anticipating: going to my great-gram this weekend! manny, my mom, joshua & i will be going over the river and through the woods to see seriously one of favorite people in the whole world. sometime i'll tell you more about my gram. 

Listening To: GIVE ME FAITH

Eating: trying my hardest NOT to eat this giant bag of chocolate that was left over from our bike ride this weekend... so tempting. so good. 

Wishing: joshua would not wake up at 5/6am... he has been sleeping 8:30pm-7:00am for many months. until recently. he'll just start crying.then.screaming. and i just get up and feed him. he's so sleepy. sleeps through the whole feed & then sleeps till i finally wake him at 8. so i put a giant sheet over his window. hoping it's the sun that has been waking him up & he'll sleep till normal wake up time. otherwise, i just don't know. {really, i can't complain, he's such a good sleeper}

that's all i've got for today. adios.  

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