Joshua Manuel: 2 years

It's hard to believe that I have a two year old! You made me a momma two years ago. Two years ago, we skipped out on all the Halloween activities and hung out in the Labor&Delivery floor of the hospital. In these two years, you have blessed us beyond belief! You bring joy and laughter into, usually every.single.hour.
At two years old, I don't want to forget:
  • how you want "noodle lunch" for every single meal
  • the way you add an "s" to any word that ends in "er"
    •  i.e. Tylers, laters, Ashers, underwears
  •  how you yell "go bears" every time see Uncle Johnny's yard sign or the PRHS Bears logo
  • your love for all things musical, dancing, and singing 
  • the way you call things "cute" 
  • the kisses you give your baby brother
  • when you say things are hiding that you cannot find, i.e. cows in the field or the moon 
  • how you run around with your arms behind you like a cape when we yell "SUPER JOSH"  
  • how you potty trained (pretty much yourself) 2 weeks before your 2nd birthday
At two years old, some of your favorites include: 
  • your blankies, monkey, Ben the doggie, and night-night bear in your crib with you every time you sleep
  • hanging out with your best pal, Jocelyn
  • playdough 
  • doing "paperwork" with momma 
  • "spraying" your hair to get ready to go 
  • eggs, apples, milk, noodles, green beans
  • elmo
  • going to church to see Daddy 
  • playing in the dirt
  • going on walks 
  • reading with Grandma Mary 
  • wash the dishes 
  • play with your "ham" fixing Opa's house 
  • making tents
  • tickling your bro 
  • singing about everything. singing "kaci's song" and "tyler's song." singing "hallelujah."
  • shoes
  • favorite shows: curious george, the Lorax, and super why! 

There are days that are hard. And we are all learning the hard way how to love and discipline and parent and obey.  But we are working together, trusting the Lord has a great plan for you and your strong-willed, opinionated ways. We are so thankful for you. You are an amazing blessing!

2 months Stats: 
  • Weight- 30 lbs- 83%
  • Height- 34in- 53%
  • Head Circumference- 19.5in- 81%
Happy 2nd Birthday Joshua Manuel Pollard!!! 
 we love you more and more everyday! 
love, your momma

1 comment:

  1. So precious!! :)
    Happy [belated] birthday Joshua!
    Kim, your family is so beautiful!! Keep up the great work!! :)
